Time to say THANK YOU!
Today I got my certificate and my professional certificate and from August I am a state-approved occupational therapist. Especially the last three months, but actually all in all the last years, were very exhausting for me. I'm often told how well I'm doing or have done with my training, my family and my independence. Yes, there was a lot to organize. But some forget (and I also sometimes) that I would never have managed alone and without support and could not continue to create, even if the training is done. Therefore, I would like to dedicate this blog article to all those who support me.
First and most important: I thank you, my beloved husband. You are the biggest support I dared to dream of. You are my best friend, you can always catch me emotionally and you notice every little tension. You often know how I feel before I even realize it and you respond to it. You are my encourager, my everyday hero and my calming influence. You program my website, quiz me on learning content and tell me honestly when enough is enough. You don't sugarcoat anything, are always honest, tell me when something is not good. Thank you for your love and all you give me!
I also have you, Noah, to thank. You have strengthened me to do what I love. If it wasn't for you, I would rather not have become a babywearing consultant. You mirror me, which is a great help. Because I can tell from you when I'm stressed. Then we cuddle and it's better again. Patiently you wanted to have the exam study notes read out every evening, so that I always had the opportunity to study. Sometimes you asked what this or that meant. It was a great challenge to explain it in very simple language. Anyway, it allowed me to see if I really understood. I thank you for your unlimited trust in me and the love you always show me!
Mom and Dad, you are also a great support to me and you have been in the last years. I knew that I could always call you when there was something wrong and also when there was nothing wrong and I just wanted to talk. You have always stood by me with advice and support and given me courage, even when you were not around.
I also thank you, kleider brother. And to you, Maksim too, because you have become like a little brother to me.
To the rest of my family, Bettina, Martin, Grandpa and many more I thank you.
Thanks to Heike for your friendship. We see each other so rarely and yet it is always like before, so wonderfully on the same wavelength. You have always told me so honestly to my face what you think and have saved me more than once. Thank you! A big thank you also goes to Simon, Ale, Bianca, Marina, Grete and everyone else. You guys make me laugh and are there for me.
Through the babywearing consultations I have met at least two incredibly amazing women. Annika and Marleen thank you for the professional exchange, for support, the collaboration and everything that goes beyond. I hope we will continue to work together for a long time! Also all the other babywearing and cloth diaper consultants that I have met over the years, even if not all of them personally, are and have been an incredible enrichment for my work and also for myself.
I would like to thank all my great teachers and instructors who have so patiently taught me many things, had understanding and let me try things out. Of course, this also includes all the teachers and instructors. Thank you! Without you I would never have become an occupational therapist, which is still my dream job. And without Diana and Yvonne from Trageschule Hamburg maybe not a babywearing consultant either, thanks to Thu and all the others for training me to become a cloth diaper consultant.
And before I forget, thank you to all the parents I was allowed to advise. You guys trusted me and I hope I was able to help you. Through every consultation I was able to learn, I gained experience and I always realize how much I love this "job".
I hope I have not forgotten anyone. Thank you to all of you that I may have forgotten.