
My pregnancy [2nd month]

estimated reading time: 4 minutes edited on: 11.02.23

Dear Reader, This blog series is written in the present tense. This is because I wrote these articles monthly during my pregnancy as a kind of diary. In the meantime, my pregnancy is already over and I am gathering strength again in the postpartum period. During this time, this blog series should accompany you. And now I hope you enjoy reading!

I am pregnant, wow! I still can't believe it. But slowly the little being inside of me doesn't let me doubt it anymore. I keep feeling a slight pang of nausea. And I have to worry about a midwife, it's not that easy. I'm glad I know so early this time. So I look up phone numbers.

I'm sure who I want to be accompanied by, but there are other questions to be answered. Namely, among other things, "Where do I want to give birth?" It sounds a bit absurd that I'm already worrying about that. But I quickly realize, or actually it was before I got pregnant, that I would prefer to have my next child at home in my familiar surroundings.

But unfortunately it is not easy to find a midwife for a home birth, as there are very few who still offer this today. I know from the midwives from the Oldenburg birth center that they won't be doing any births in the summer. And that's where it gets difficult. I contact a midwife from the Schwachhausen birth center in Bremen and fortunately get a quick response. They also take care of home births in Oldenburg. What a relief! We make an appointment directly for the next week to get to know each other for the first time in Bremen.

And then comes the nausea. Gradually at first. I feel a little sick in between. When I have eaten something, it usually gets a little better. It comes and goes and I can handle it well. So now we meet with the midwife I "chose" for the home birth. The drive sucks, so in the middle of rush hour traffic. I'm glad when we finally get there. The midwife is immediately sympathetic to me and I have the feeling that the birth could work out. We talk about the birth of my first child and about our wishes and questions. And already the meeting is over again. We drive home again on full roads.

I am happy, everything seems perfect. I have a wonderful midwife that I already know, for postpartum care and also for pregnancy, if I would not be with my midwife for the birth. And I have found a midwife for a home birth.

The nausea gets worse over the next few days. My midwife comes over and puts acupuncture needles in me, giving me relief for a few hours at first and at least a day or two later. This is a great help. At the same time, I can talk to her about my worries, but also about the beautiful moments regarding the pregnancy and ask all the questions I have. But then comes this one night... I feel nauseous in the evening and have the feeling that I'm going to throw up at any moment. After a few hours it comes so and I am relieved at first. But unfortunately it is not over with this one time. I throw up the whole night, at least three times an hour. I am afraid.

Sometime in the early morning hours I am so far that I say to my husband that I want to go to the hospital. I have no more strength, I am drained and tired. At the same time, I can't sleep because I still feel sick. He makes me sweet tea, brings me some Coca Cola and dry bread. Sip by sip with a lot of rest, it finally gets better. In hindsight, I probably had an infection and it wasn't pure morning sickness. I'm just glad in the end when it finally gets better. After that I have only broken once so far.

I continue to get regular acupuncture, which continues to support me well, and the nausea has been mostly manageable if I just remember to eat something every hour.

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