
Grease wool? Easily done! [Instruction]

estimated reading time: 4 minutes edited on: 11.02.23

In the cloth diaper world overpants made of wool, especially for the night, are popular. But in order for the wool to stay tight and prevent the liquid from leaking out, it needs to be greased. I describe to you in this article how to grease your wool overpants or wool inner tubs. Since the diapers are washed in the rules before, I also describe this process very briefly.

In this tutorial you will learn, among other things, how to make a lanolin wool cure. I am referring to woolen diapers, but the process of a lanolin bath can also be used for woolen whale. I also found an interesting thread about this at To grease the wool children's clothing/wool jackets/wool pants you then need correspondingly larger containers.

When do wool overpants need to be greased?

Ein Behälter mit Wollfett (adeps lanae anhydricus)

If the overpants are used daily, it is usually enough to wash them about every three weeks. If it is dirty, it must be washed beforehand, of course. Also, if it leaks, it should be washed and greased again. Otherwise, wool has a self-cleaning character, which is why it can be used for a long time without washing.

What you need:

  • Wool detergent
  • a bowl or a bucket
  • wool grease (adeps lanae anhydricus), teaspoon and washing-up liquid or alternatively wool cure
  • cup or small bowl
  • boiling water, cold and lukewarm water
  • towel
  • clothes horse

Washing the wool

Eine rote Wollüberhose von Disana liegt neben einer Edelstahlschüssel, die mit zur hälfte Wasser (mit Wollwaschmittel) gefüllt ist.Eine rote Wollüberhose von Disana liegt in einer Edelstahlschüssel. Diese ist mit Wasser gefüllt.

Since I almost never have enough wool laundry to fill up a washing machine, I have always washed the wool overpants by hand. To do this, I put lukewarm water in a large bowl or in the sink and dissolve some wool detergent in it. In it I put the overpants for a few minutes (usually about a quarter of an hour). Then I drain the water and rinse the diapers thoroughly with water so that soap residues were rinsed out.

Greasing the wool

Ein Behälter Wollimprägnierung und ein Glas von der hergestellten Emulsion.

To grease them, I first turn the diapers inside out, since they should eventually be tight on the inside. So they are then greased. There are ultimately two options for this: Either I take a ready-made wool cure, in which the wool grease is already dissolved and an emulsion is made. Or I make this emulsion myself here, which is not much more effort.

Some cloth diaper manufacturers logically also offer wool grease. For example, Avo&Cado at*

Das Wollfett wird mit einigen Tropfen Spülmittel in kochendem Wasser mit einem Teeloffel verrührt.Ein Teelöffel liegt auf einem Glas. Auf dem Teelöffel befindet sich etwas Wollfett. Daneben liegt der Behälter für das Wollfett.

For this, I take about half a teaspoon of wool grease (per diaper) and dissolve the grease in a cup or small bowl of boiling water. In order for the grease to dissolve I also need some dishwashing liquid (or baby shampoo), I usually use 2-3 drops. Here it should not foam too much. When stirring, the fat should dissolve completely and the water should become milky.

Ein Glas mit milchiger Emulsion. Daneben steht ein Behälter mit Wollfett.

In a large bowl I put cold water so that the overpants would be well covered in it. I mix the cold water with the (prepared) emulsion. When I use the finished wool cure, I use lukewarm water. Then I put the overpants in the bowl and submerge them well. I then place a cup or plate on top so that the diapers are completely submerged in the water.

Eine rote Wollüberhose liegt in einem Wollfettbad.

The diapers need to sit like this for at least 4 hours. I liked to do it overnight. After that I drained the water, put the overpants in a towel and squeeze them tightly from top and bottom. Many also run around on it so that as much liquid as possible is already stuck in the towel. It is important that the diapers are not wrung out, because the wool grease would also be pressed out. Afterwards, the diapers are dried lying on a clothes horse. The drying time depends on how much liquid is still in the diaper.

What do I have to consider with certain cloth diaper brands?

Actually, it doesn't matter whether your wool overpants come from disana, your diaper from Puppi or from Windelinge - the wool is always greased in the same way. However, you should check what instructions the respective manufacturer gives for greasing the wool.

*This link is an affilate program.If you decide to buy from this store I will receive a small commission on your first purchase.

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Julia vor 2 Jahren
Hallo. Ich bin zufällig auf ein Lanolin Spray gestoßen Ich besprühe alles regelmäßig ein und bin sehr zufrieden. Liebe Grüße Julia