[Review] Isara The One (English)

geschätzte Lesezeit: 2 Minuten bearbeitet am: 11.02.23

Lately I published a review on the babycarrier The One by Isara on my blog, written in German language. Because I was questioned to write a translation, here comes a short English version of that review.


About Isara

Isara is a Romanian manufacturer. It exists since 2013 which I can read on their website www.isara.ro.

In Isara is running an online shop with their products. I can find different babycarriers as well as baby wraps, ring-slings and babywearing equipment for selling.

About the carrier The One

The carrier The One by Isara belongs to the full-buckle-Carriers as the belly belt and the shoulder straps are closed with buckles.

Isara's The One carrier can be bought for about 179€ in the manufacturers online store. In comparison to other babycarriers this is a moderate price section.

Here are some photos of this carrier. You can see some details — the belly belt, the shoulder straps and possibilities for adjustment just to name some exmaples.

Detail of the seat adjustment.Detail of the belly belt buckle.Detail of the belly belt.Photo of the inner seat adjustment.Some parts of the babycarrier by Isara.Further details of the seat extension.Details of the shoulder straps.Detail of back adjustmentDetail of the shoulder straps.Photo of the carriers extensions.

My babywearing experiences

I've tested the carrier The One by Isara in a lot of possibilities. In detail I carried my daughter in front of me, on my back and on my hip. Even I tested the carrier with the demo dolls from my babywearing consultancy.

There are quite a lot of possibilities to adjust the carrier for me and for my baby or child.

These possibilities can be overwhelming for some parents at first, but are just perfect for use with small babys as well as toddlers, if you once have understood how to use them right. Even more those adjustments make it possible for small person like me and for bigger person to use the carrier in the same way.

Carrying was very comfortable for me even though I carried my daughter for two hours in the Isara carrier.

In the following you see some pictures of me carrying my daughter or a demo doll.

I carry a demo doll in front of me.Detail of me carrying a demo doll in front of me.I carry a demo doll on my back.I carry my daughter on my back.Detail of non crossed shoulder straps.I carry my daughter in front of me.I carry my daughter in front of me. A Detail.Detail of the shoulder straps while carrying.Detail of the seat adjustment while carrying.Detail of crossed shoulder straps while carrying.Photo of my back while carrying.

Your opinion

Do you know the baby carrier The One by Isara? What is your opinion about it? Do you like to carry with it?

Do you miss some information in my review? You can have a look in the German review and use a translator or simply write me a comment below with your question!

I'm looking forward to read about your thoughts in the comments.

Kommentare zu diesem Artikel

Lisa vor 4 Jahren
Die vielen Tragemöglichkeiten hören sich wirklich perfekt an. Unsere Tochter ist nun fünf Monate und hat heute ihr erstes Zähnchen bekommen. Wir konnten jetzt - vor allem auch durch unsere Freundin - einige Tragemöglichkeiten austesten. Mein Mann ist nicht jemand der gern im Tuch trägt. Ich denke für ihn ist eine solche Trage eine tolle Gelegenheit. <3 Noch dazu sieht sie auch richtig richtig klasse aus :)