
WrapMySol from Girasol

estimated reading time: 6 minutes edited on: 10.02.23

The carrier MySol from the German manufacturer Girasol I already had from the beginning in my assortment for the carrying consultations. But some time ago I also added the second carrier from Girasol, the WrapMySol.

In this article you will learn what the differences are between the two carriers, what bothers me about the belly strap of the WrapMySol and why I still find the baby carrier comfortable. In addition, I will of course describe the special features of this baby carrier.


Information about the manufacturer Girasol

The German manufacturer Girasol has been around for a very long time. It all started with a trip of the owners Gerhard and Camilla to Central America at the end of 1980. In order to continue financing their trip, they bought woven fabrics and then sold them on various markets. When they returned to Germany in 1983, they continued this business.

They opened their own store in Berlin. To this day, the products are sourced from Guatemala and Mexico, and fair trade and sustainability are important to them. This can be read on the website

They have also had their own in-house baby carrier, MySol, since 2009. The WrapMySol was added later as a supplement. In addition to the baby carriers, Girasol's online store offers slings, ring slings, various accessories, hammocks, bags, doll carriers and yard goods of the woven fabrics.

Information about the WrapMySol

The WrapMySol is a wrap conversion, which means a "sling conversion". Wrap Conversions are still very similar to slings, due to the expandable straps and the associated possibilities when tying.

In terms of price, depending on the model, the carrier ranges from 124€ to 134€ with the belly strap for tying. The variant with buckle belt is minimally more expensive. The other abdominal belt can also be ordered separately in the store. So you can replace your existing waist belt at will. If you want the straps on the shoulder a little narrower and underpadded, you have the option to use shoulder pads, which are priced at 15€.

The carrier can be purchased through Girasol itself. However, various online stores also carry the WrapMySol so also Natürlich Familie*.

According to the manufacturer, the baby carrier can be used from birth, about size 50/56, up to an age of about 2 years, about size 98. This also corresponds to my experience, although the stretcher was often less comfortable with larger children. But more about that later.

Presentation of the Girasol carrier in the video

How the stretcher is otherwise built, what is special about it, I explain in the following video:

A few impressions of various details you get on the following photos.

Detailaufnahme des Rückenteils, sowie Teilen des Bauchgurts und eines Trägers.Aufnahme der Tragehilfe während sie auf einem Tisch liegt.Detailaufnahme des Trägeransatzes.Detailaufnahme der Nackverstellmöglichkeit, sowie Teilen der Kopfstütze.Detailaufnahme des Bauchgurts, sowie der Stegeinstellung.Detailaufnahme des zweiten Tunnelzuges für den Bauchgurt.

The differences between MySol and WrapMySol

The MySol and WrapMySol carriers from Girasol really only differ in one aspect - the straps. All other aspects of the carrier such as the waist belt, the back panel, the bar adjustment are exactly the same.

Aufnahme der Träger von WrapMySol und MySol im Vergleich.Aufnahme der Bauchgurte von WrapMySol und MySol im Vergleich.

With both baby carriers, you can choose between the belly strap with buckle or the belly strap for tying. The buckle belt can also be purchased separately. This is then also usable for both baby carriers, since there are no differences at the waist belt, as already described.

Also to the MySol I have already written a long time ago the test report MySol of Girasol, in which I tell of my experiences when wearing.

My experiences while carrying

I have been using the carrier myself for a year now and have also shown it to parents in my babywearing sessions. This has allowed me to gain a wide range of experience.

The carrier fits very well for small babies, and it can also be adjusted well for newborns. Sometimes my parents found it convenient to tie off the straps to shorten the back a bit and provide additional support for the neck area. However, this is not always necessary and can be achieved in other ways.

Since the straps are relatively wide on the shoulder, the tilted version of the straps was usually preferred. This I felt myself with my daughter also as clearly more pleasant.

Ich trage eine Demopuppe vor dem Bauch.Seitliche Aufnahme, wie ich die Demopuppe vor dem Bauch trage.Detailaufnahme des Trägers während ich die Demopuppe vor dem Bauch trage.Detailaufnahme der Nackenverstellmöglichkeit während ich die Demopuppe vor dem Bauch trage.Detailaufnahme des gekippten Trägers während ich die Demopuppe vor dem Bauch trage.Ich trage die Demopuppe vor dem Bauch mit gekippten Trägern.Ich trage die Demopuppe auf dem Rücken.Detailaufnahme, wie ich die Demopuppe auf dem Rücken trage.

For larger children, the carrier is generally also well adjustable. The weight of the Traglings can be supported by fanning the straps over the baby's bottom even more. However, the relatively narrow and little padded abdominal belt became noticeable with increasing weight. He no longer supports so well and tilted partly something, whereby I always fanned the straps over the buttocks to compensate for this.

For heavier children, I would therefore prefer a wider, more stable waist belt. This is also reflected in my experience from babywearing consultations.

It is nice that the baby carrier, through the second drawstring for the belly strap, can really be used for a very long time. In addition, I can still additionally increase the bar width with the straps, if this becomes necessary.


According to the manufacturer, the WrapMySol can be washed at up to 60 degrees in the washing machine, although Girasol recommends washing at 40 degrees in a laundry net or pillowcase. It should not be dried in the dryer.

Personally, I only hand washed the Wrapcon and had no problems at all.

My conclusion about the WrapMySol

The WrapMySol by Girasol is a very comfortable baby carrier for your newborn or small babies and can be customized very well with them. Due to the wide straps, the weight distribution was really very comfortable.

Ich trage meine Tochter vor dem Bauch am Strand.Seitliche Detailaufnahme, wie ich meine Tochter auf dem Rücken trage.Aufnahme von hinten, wie ich meine Tochter auf dem Rücken trage.

With larger, heavier children, I would wish for a firmer, more supportive abdominal belt, as this abdominal belt takes relatively little weight and also tilts a bit with increasing weight.

However, the carrier can still be adjusted well for larger children and the lack of weight distribution of the belly strap can be compensated for, at least in part, by fanning the straps out over the child's bottom.

So those were my experiences with the WrapMySol. You can find more impressions in the test with the WrapMySol in the Product Review - Girasol Wrap MySol by the babywearing consultants from Nesthäkchen.

Your opinion

Do you know the WrapMySol? If so, how do you like this baby carrier? Or do you know similar baby carriers? Is there anything else you'd like to know about this wrap conversion that I haven't described here?

I'm happy to read about it in a comment.

*Thisis an affilate link. If you purchase from this store, it will give you 5% off your first order. I get a small commission for the referral.

Kommentare zu diesem Artikel

Andrea vor 2 Jahren
Danke für deinen ausführlichen Bericht. Ich habe mir vor knapp einem Jahr die WrapMySol gekauft und war bisher auch zufrieden, aber jetzt mit meinem 11kg Baby bin ich nur noch am Rumzupfen, weil der Bauchgurt einknickt. Ich werd es mal mit der Auffächerung unterm Po versuchen. Hab schon fast an mir selbst gezweifelt, dass ich etwas falsch mache.
Natalie Clauss vor 2 Jahren
Hallo Andrea, schön, dass dir der Artikel gefallen hat. Wenn du die Trage fest über dem Po deines Babys auffächerst, sollte das Tragen etwas angenehmer für dich werden. Leider passiert das bei manchen Bauchgurten, dass sie bei zunehmendem Gewicht etwas kippen. Was du weiter versuchen könntest, wäre dein Baby nicht direkt auf den Bauchgurt, sondern etwas davor zu setzen. Hier ist das Kippen ebenfalls seltener. Berichte gerne, ob es funktioniert hat. Liebe Grüße Natalie
Hilda vor 3 Jahren
… ah, im Video wird es erklärt. Man bindet die Kopfstütze an den Trägern fest.
Hilda vor 3 Jahren
Vielen Dank für die vielen tollen Berichte. Ich bin gerade auf die wrap MySol gestoßen (als Alternative zum didyklick, wo das Rückenteil leider relativ kurz ist). Toll finde ich die 2 Tunnel, um das Rückenteil zu verlängern. Was ich noch nicht verstanden habe ist, wie wird die Kopfstütze an den Trägern befestigt?
Natalie Clauss vor 3 Jahren
Hallo Hilda, beim WrapMySol wird die Kopfstütze mit einem Band durch Schlaufen am Träger gezogen und dort festgeknotet, soweit ich mich erinnere. Ich habe gerade nochmal die Produktfotos von Girasol und meine eigenen Fotos durchgeschaut und habe von diesem Detail leider kein Foto aufgenommen, weshalb ich es dir nicht mit 100%iger Sicherheit sagen kann. Sonst einfach nochmal bei Girasol nachfragen. Leider habe ich die Trage aktuell nicht mehr hier. Liebe Grüße Natalie
Tamara Beck vor 5 Jahren
Ein schönes Modell hast Du hier gewählt! :) Die MySol ist bei meinen Beratungseltern mit kleinen Babys sehr beliebt. Mit den ausfächerbaren Trägern sind viele schon überfordert...