
Why perfection is not good

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 08.02.23

Especially as a parent you are constantly confronted with what should be good for the child and what not. Everyone has an opinion about this and many think that they want to sell this as really THE best for the child. Books and so-called expert opinions contradict each other, what and who should I believe?

Everyone has to find their own way... Yes, if it were that simple. Organic is great. But, we can't always buy organic. We don't have the time and money to go to the market and to different organic markets. Yes, as often as we can, we buy organic. It makes me feel better. But if not, it is not the end of the world for me. I do what is possible.

I want to be attachment-oriented and at eye level with my child, take him seriously and compromise. And yet, sometimes I get loud. Sometimes I lack the strength after eight hours of work. And yet I do my best, that's all I can do and that's enough. I have to stop judging myself for that. This leads to nothing but self-hatred. But how can I love out of self-hatred, when loving myself is the basis for loving others. It is still difficult for me and yet I make an effort. I make an effort to forgive myself and others for not being perfect. Because it is enough that we do our best.

Everyone does their best and that is enough. Everyone does their part to bring a little more peace, a little more love. I carry, I breastfeed, we sleep in the family bed because that suits us, because that's perfect for us, because I feel comfortable with that. But this is our way, which suits us and maybe not you. Maybe your way is completely different and yet so perfect, precisely because it suits you and you feel comfortable with it.

We take our son to sleep and sometimes it drives me crazy. Then I am glad that I have a husband who supports me, who often radiates so much more calm than I can. We are a team, we have found our way. But with each new step in our development, we are faced with new tasks. Sometimes we don't know what to do. Is this the right way to do things? I listen to myself to see if I feel good about it. If not, we have to change something. If yes, it will be fine. For us. It's good for us to talk about it. Sometimes we disagree, but we are not the same. And yet, we walk this path together with all its hurdles and difficulties and do our best because the best is so perfect with all its flaws!

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Sabrina Kunz vor 7 Jahren
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