Testbericht, Gewinnspiel

The One from Isara

estimated reading time: 6 minutes edited on: 11.02.23

The baby carrier Isara The One was recommended to me by many babywearing consultants and I became curious because I had not really targeted this so far. Fortunately, the owner of Isara has provided me with a test carrier, which I may raffle following my test.

Detailaufnahme des aufgenähten Logos.Teilaufnahme der auf einem Tisch liegenden Tragehilfe.

In this article, you'll find out why I find carrying with straight straps in front of the belly totally uncomfortable, what makes Isara's carrier so versatile, and whether it can really be used from start to finish.

Table of contents

Information about the manufacturer Isara

The manufacturer Isara comes from Romania. On the website I can read that the manufacturer exists since 2013. Initially, there was primarily the in-house baby carrier here, which has since been further developed again and again and is now available in the 3rd version, V3. In Isara's online store you can find this baby carrier under the name The Trendsetter in two different sizes.

The baby carrier The One was finally introduced in 2018. In addition, there is also the Quick carrier as a half-buckle carrier and slings, ring slings, doll carriers, baby carriers and various accessories.

If you would like to test the Isara products with a babywearing consultant or wonder where you can buy the products, you can find a map of them on Isara's website under "Where you can find Isara".

Information about the baby carrier The One

According to the manufacturer, The One carrier from Isara can be used from 6.6lbs to 44lbs, which is roughly equivalent to 3kg to 20kg. Thus, it should be able to be used from birth and usually also over the entire carrying time.

Priced at 179€, The One is in the upper middle price range for baby carriers.

It is available from the manufacturer directly in the online store, with shipping costs from abroad. Alternatively, you can order the carrier with different motifs at Amazon, as well as at some (carrying) online stores such as

Presentation of the carrier in a video

How the carrier is otherwise built, what is special about it and what adjustment options I have, you can see in the following video.

More impressions of the baby carrier The One

You can get more impressions of the baby carrier in the following photos, which highlight some details.

Detailaufnahme der Stegeinstellung.Detailaufnahme der Bauchgurtschnalle.Detailaufnahme des Bauchgurts.Detailaufnahme der Stegeinstellung von innen.Detailaufnahme der Befestigungsmöglichkeit für die Kopfstütze mithilfe der Druckknöpfe.Detailaufnahme der Einhängemöglichkeit für die Stegvergrößerung.Detailaufnahme der unterpolsterten Trägerfestigung am Rückenteil.Detailaufnahme der Verstellungmöglichkeit am RückenDetailaufnahme eines Trägers.Aufnahme der Zusätze für die Stegvergrößerung, sowie der Kopfstütze.

My experiences with babywearing

I have now tested the carrier with various demo dolls from my babywearing consultations, as well as my 19-month-old daughter. I have tried different variations: in front of the belly, on the hip, on the back.

From the usability with the babies or toddlers I made the experience that it was just so possible with my smallest demo doll in the smallest setting. However, with very delicate babies, I could still adjust it specifically for the transition period. For most newborns, the carrier should fit very well from birth.

Ich trage eine Neugeborenendemopuppe vor dem Bauch.Detailaufnahme, wie ich eine Neugeborenendemopuppe vor dem Bauch trage.Ich trage eine Demopuppe auf dem Rücken.

With my daughter, who wears size 86/92, there was still a lot of room for improvement, both in terms of the bar width and the length of the back. It is therefore usable at least up to size 98, rather longer.

From about size 80, depending on the proportions of the baby even a little earlier, the additional bar wideners will be necessary, which can be easily inserted.

When I shortened the back part, the fabric hardly jammed in the middle area in this carrier, still supported very well, which is especially important for small babies.

The slanted and high attachment of the straps to the back section creates minimal, if any, pressure on the back. The natural rounding of the back is made possible.

Ich trage meine Tochter auf dem Rücken.

When wearing in front of the belly, I tried out the straight straps and the crossed straps. When I used the straight straps with the connecting buckle, the strap did not rest evenly on my shoulder. It stuck out a bit on the outside, even though the length of the connecting buckle was well adjusted. This gave me a pinpoint pressure on the inner area of the strap, which I found uncomfortable in the long run.

Detailaufnahme der geraden Trägers, der etwas absteht außen, während ich vor dem Bauch trage.

If I crossed the straps, on the other hand, wearing in front of the belly was very comfortable even over a long period of time. Here, the straps lay with me evenly and I thus had a much better weight distribution.

Ich trage meine Tochter vor dem Bauch.Ich trage meine Tochter vor dem Bauch, nähere Aufnahme.Detailaufnahme der Trägerbefestigung während ich meine Tochter vor dem Bauch trage.Detailaufnahme der Stegeinstellung während ich meine Tochter vor dem Bauch trage.Detailaufnahme der gekreuzten Träger während ich meine Tochter vor dem Bauch trage.Aufnahme von hinten während ich meine Tochter vor dem Bauch trage.

How the straps lie with you and what you find comfortable, is very individual and I describe here only my personal experiences, which are not necessarily transferable to you. Therefore, I would recommend testing before you buy.

When wearing on the hip, I tried different ways to make it as comfortable as possible for me and at the same time well-supporting for the baby. It's not always the best fit, and it's not always comfortable for long periods of time because it's a one-sided load. Personally, I therefore prefer to carry in front of the belly or on the back.

On the back, the carrier could still be adjusted well for me in the tightest setting. For even smaller or more petite people it could then be difficult. Otherwise, the back carrying was very comfortable for me. Through the pull directions of the straps, I could adjust everything even afterwards, if this was necessary.

Overall, the stretcher has many adjustment and customization options that you first have to understand. However, it is so well thought out that I can really super adjust it no matter what carrying option I want to use.

I found the headrest to be comfortable from the width and I find it very convenient that it can be removed.


According to the manufacturer, the carrier is washable at 30 degrees. I would recommend to use a laundry net or a pillowcase and close all buckles. So you protect the material of the stretcher when washing.

My conclusion about Isara The One

Isara The One is an incredibly adaptable and long-lasting baby carrier with many options. For many babywearing couples, it will probably fit for the entire time you wear it. The multiple adjustment options allow me to customize it very much to fit me as the wearer. It is really very well thought out in terms of these settings and, for example, the pull directions of the straps.

However, the many options also require in the beginning that it is first looked at closely, tried out or explained to fully understand the system. Once everything is clear about what each function is for, it can be really flexible and is a real insider tip on the wear market, in my opinion.

Your opinion

Do you know the baby carrier The One from Isara? If so, how do you like this carrier? Or do you know similar carriers? Is there anything else you'd like to know about it that I've forgotten here?

I'm happy to read about it in a comment.


You want to take part in the competition for the baby carrier The One by Isara? Then answer me in a comment why you would like to win.

For more chances to win, enter on Facebook and Instagram.

Good luck!

Kommentare zu diesem Artikel

Anna Radtke vor 4 Jahren
Wir bekommen ein zweites Mal Nachwuchs und würden uns riesig freuen den kleinen Knirps in einer so schönen Trage zu tragen. Bisher haben wir Erfahrungen mit Tuch und Halfbuckle machen dürfen. Eine Fullbuckle würden wir sehr gerne testen und erst recht eine so schöne.
Henrietta vor 4 Jahren
Die Trage wäre für uns die perfekte Ergänzung zum Tuch :) Gerade jetzt wo der Zwerg größer und mobiler wird.
Anke vor 4 Jahren
Ich liebe es einfach meine Kinder zu tragen. Auch unsere fast 4-Jöhrige kommt ab und an noch in die Trage. Diese Tragehilfe wäre eine wundervolle Ergänzung ♡
Sabine vor 4 Jahren
Ich bin durch Zufall auf diese Seite gestoßen, weil ich für mein Enkelkind auf der Suche nach einer Trage war. Ich bin über die Ausführungen in diesem Blog so begeistert, dass ich meine, diese Tragehilfe sollte meine Tochter unbedingt bekommen.
Alexandra vor 4 Jahren
Du hast in deinem Bericht die Trage so gut beschrieben, dass ich sie jetzt auch unbedingt mein nennen will 😊
Ariadni vor 4 Jahren
I love isara.. I use the standard, but from your photo I see that this is much better! Very useful photos.. Thank you
Tatjana vor 4 Jahren
Ich habe mir gerade den Bericht über die Tage angeschaut. Ich kannte bisher diesen Hersteller noch gar nicht, im so schöner Mal die Chance zu haben, so etwas tolles zu gewinnen. Unsere Maus ist nun 4 Monate und da wäre so eine Trage, die man so lange nutzen kann natürlich perfekt... Außerdem wäre die Mal was für meinen Mann 😄😄 Danke für den tollen Bericht
Melanie vor 4 Jahren
Isara würde ich gerne in mein Sortiment aufnehmen, ich würde mich wahnsinnig über den Gewinn freuen.