
The need for closeness - an experience report

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 10.02.23

Some time ago I was allowed to advise Anna on babywearing and now she writes for you a report on her experience, how she came to babywearing, where she sees advantages and perhaps also what prejudices she has encountered. The rest of the text is now from her. (Natalie)

How did I actually get into babywearing? I already carried my daughter 8 years ago, in a Chicco carrier from the flea market. However, not very often, because she also liked to lie in the stroller and it was not very comfortable.

With my son it was completely different. He had a very strong need for closeness from the beginning and actually did not let himself be put down. I always enjoyed this closeness very much. Long before the birth, I chose a stroller that met my expectations. But after a few outings with crying over and over again, it was clear to me that it wasn't right for us. At a friend of a friend's house, I tried the HopTye and my son immediately fell blissfully asleep. So I ordered this carrier and started looking into it more.

The HopTye is completely tieable and the shoulder straps fan out over the shoulders, which I found really comfortable. However, I always had the problem that the carrier slipped after a short time and my child hung very loose and low. So I made an appointment with Natalie for carrying advice. I also wanted to try a sling. I took a lot away from the consultation and would do it again and again.

As my son got bigger, I bought a Manduca and still love wearing it, mostly on my back. My son is now almost 2 years old and the stroller is almost as good as new in the basement. At events with lots of people, I was always very happy not to have to go through it with the stroller. At flea markets and when shopping in stores, I have my child right there with me. In cold seasons, I also don't have to constantly dress and undress my child. It just comes with me under my jacket. When the babywearing period is over, I will miss it.

I have received almost only positive reactions during the whole time. Sure, there was the usual "you're spoiling the baby", but everyone who saw my happy baby just took it in. I was surprised by many older people, who were often really enthusiastic.

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