
That is why cloth diaper consultation costs money

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 09.02.23

From 23 to 29 April is this year the cloth diaper week. A week with many promotions, discounts, sweepstakes and articles. After I had already written a corresponding article on the European Babywearing Week last year, now the counterpart on the topic of cloth diaper advice: Why does cloth diaper advice cost money?

Some parents may ask themselves why such a consultation costs money. After all, it can't be that difficult with cloth diapers, can it?

In fact, cloth diapering is not really complicated. However, there are now many different systems with, of course, even more different manufacturers and several different materials can be used.

First of all, I am a trained cloth diaper consultant and even the training here is not free of course. Yes, I could also advise without this training, however, I personally would not do that because the information is again specifically summarized and a complete overview is given. The training alone is a total of just under 300€ at the Stoffwindelexperten.

But the training is only the start, because to be able to advise, there must also be an assortment with some diapers. Yes, we get a small discount for the diapers and yes, we can in principle also use the diapers for our children. But for one thing, I would never need that many diapers for one child and for another, my son was also close to dry at the time, so I couldn't test many diapers. The price for the assortment depends strongly on the scope and also on the selected manufacturers.

Especially in the area of cloth diapers, there are also many changes in the individual diapers and there are also always new manufacturers and diapers. Informing costs time, of which we all probably do not have too much. Further my work is not finished with the pure working time. I also inform myself specifically about the wishes of the parents beforehand and the travel time is also added beforehand. After the consultation I always write a detailed mail in which the most important information is summarized.

Apart from that, insurance should be taken out and paid for.

You see, even behind a cloth diaper consultation there are costs for us consultants. I don't want to say that I want to earn more money with the consultations. I love this job and I enjoy every consultation incredibly much. I think it's nice that I get so much appreciation for my work, even though it's a lot of money for some parents.

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