
My pregnancy [9th month]

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 10.02.23

Dear Reader, This blog series is written in the present tense. This is because I wrote these articles monthly during my pregnancy as a kind of diary. In the meantime, my pregnancy is already over and I am gathering strength again in the postpartum period. During this time, this blog series should accompany you. And now I hope you enjoy reading!

After my midwife here in Oldenburg last time already had no more transverse position palpated, I am curious about the next screening. The midwife from Bremen wants to come to my home for it, to have already driven the distance. But in the morning on the day of the appointment I get a call from her that she can't come because of a birth. For the sake of simplicity, I write to my midwife from Oldenburg to ask if she still has a short-term appointment free that week for prenatal care. Fortunately she does.

At the check-up there is also a midwife student who also listens to the heart sounds with the Pinard tube and feels the position of the baby. I also gained another kilogram and am happy about that. In addition to the usual exams, my midwife also takes my blood to have my iron levels checked again.

The check-ups now take place at two-week intervals, so I have one more in this month of pregnancy. I have the second checkup again with my other midwife in Bremen. This time my husband and my son are with me as well. Again, everything is fine. But I did not expect anything else. The baby is now also clearly in the cranial position.

In this month of pregnancy, there are a few very hot, dry days and the heat is clearly getting to me and hitting my circulation. One day I can hardly stand up, I constantly have the feeling of falling over. This is very exhausting in combination with a son who also wants to play with me. My husband buys an air conditioner and the tip of my midwife to drink sips of salt water finally help a little. Fortunately, the heat does pass fairly quickly.

Otherwise, I continue to do yoga, but I notice that I can hardly listen attentively during the relaxations. I'm exhausted a lot and sometimes fall asleep, like some others in my class. I also have to lie down more at home now to keep up my strength. My midwife says that my body is preparing for the birth. This is draining me because I want to do so much at the same time.

I also have two more practice weekends at my training to become a breastfeeding educ ator(DAIS). These weekends are exhausting and I am very happy when finally the exam is done. But I am also happy to have done the training before the birth because I was really able to learn a lot of new things. I am already looking forward to applying this new knowledge!

However, I am now clearly struggling again with nausea and also with heartburn. The baby is really pressing on my stomach now and the kicks are very uncomfortable. I really hope that some lower contractions will come soon and the discomfort will be better with it.

So the 9th month of my pregnancy is also going by without any complications. I am very relieved that my baby is in a good position for birth and I have little other discomfort, except for the brief nausea and heartburn.

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