My pregnancy [8. month]
Dear Reader, This blog series is written in the present tense. This is because I wrote these articles monthly during my pregnancy as a kind of diary. In the meantime, my pregnancy is already over and I am gathering strength again in the postpartum period. During this time, this blog series should accompany you. And now I hope you enjoy reading!
My prenatal care, which by the way will soon take place every two weeks, I have again with my midwife in Bremen. Also this time my son is with me and also my husband. Everything is fine during the check-up and we are finished much faster this time because there is nothing else to do. Of course, my midwife also checked the position of my baby and this time it was transverse. She tells me that it doesn't mean anything at this point and I don't think anything of it for the time being.
We also spend the rest of the day in Bremen. We visit the Botanical Garden and go to the Botanika, where we can explore the plant world of Asia.
In the next few days I am increasingly worried about the situation of my baby. I write to my midwife here in Oldenburg to talk to her about it. We make an appointment for the next week.
The next evening I have the feeling that the little mouse in my belly is turning. I can't quite place where it is now, but it is different somehow. The heavy pressure on the sides is gone and I am so hoping that it is now lying in the cranial position.
At the appointment with my midwife, she makes it clear to me that the transverse position is not bad at all at this point. Most children would then turn in time for birth. For the time being, the transverse position is much better than the final pelvic position. Finally, however, she felt my belly and was sure that my baby was no longer in the transverse position. Now I am reassured.
I continue to do yoga regularly in my 8th month of pregnancy and it is doing me a lot of good. I continue to have no kidney pain and I think the yoga workout is doing its part. I also have some babywearing and cloth diaper consultations and am starting training to be a breastfeeding peer counselor with DAIS. I have a book to read in preparation for the training and am learning a lot of new things that way and through the first weekend of practice. I just can't imagine yet how I will have all this in my head for the exam. But I am very happy that I can continue my education in this way and I am already looking forward to the next practice weekends.