My pregnancy [6. month]
Dear Reader, This blog series is written in the present tense. This is because I wrote these articles monthly during my pregnancy as a kind of diary. In the meantime, my pregnancy is already over and I am gathering strength again in the postpartum period. During this time, this blog series should accompany you. And now I hope you enjoy reading!
Ultimately, the sixth month of pregnancy continues just as the fifth month has ended: Pretty unspectacular. But after all, that's the best thing that can happen to me. I have no physical complaints whatsoever. I don't yet feel restricted by the slowly growing belly. But I still have a relatively small baby bump. And yet I am happy that it is slowly getting bigger and thus the pregnancy is becoming more and more visible. Nevertheless, hardly anyone recognizes it, because through the winter coat it is as good as not recognizable.
Furthermore, the time out in yoga does me a lot of good. Not only do the yoga exercises themselves help me to relax a bit and become more composed, but the relaxation at the beginning and end is also very good for me. We also do exercises for holding on and labor simulation, which should help me for the birth. I am excited for the birth, but also glad that I have some time until then.
I want a birth this time so very different from the birth I had with Noah. No wonder... But I am now reading books about birth and talking a lot with my midwife about it. I'm also continuing to try to process and come to closure with the last birth. I am also becoming more clear about what I actually want for birth. And also what I would need for it to be exactly what I envision it to be. I want to talk to my husband about it, but for him the topic was still far away and so he mostly just says, "The main thing is that you feel good." or something like that. This is exhausting for me at the time, because I would like to have a conversation partner and actually only him, because after all he was supposed to be there at the birth.
Shortly before the next check-up, I suddenly get pain in one eye and it starts to fester and stick together in the evening. I quickly realize that I have conjunctivitis and get worried. Of all things, the symptoms appear on the weekend. So the next morning I have to go to the emergency practice, where the doctor prescribes me a local antibiotic in the form of an ointment and drops. This fortunately quickly reduces symptoms and pain.
In the 6th month, the first and only scheduled ultrasound examination is also due. I would have preferred to have no examination at all, but my midwife for the birth wanted gross malformations to be ruled out as far as possible before the birth. So I go along with it, because I can't imagine giving birth to my child without her as my midwife.
At the appointment with my gynecologist, the prenatal care is also done directly and so I also have to weigh myself and have gained 3kg. It is a shock for me at the first moment. Of course I am aware that scales are different and also that any increase in weight is good for me. Nevertheless, it is quite a lot for me at first.
At first I want to keep the ultrasound examination as short as possible and therefore I only want the small examination to see if the development is generally timely. In conversation with my doctor, however, it turns out that I would need the large screening so that she could actually look specifically for malformations. So I agree, even though once again it's not really what I want, but well... At any rate, everything is fine on the scan. No abnormalities, timely development and at least currently skull position. I am relieved, because nothing stands in the way of a home birth.
The rest of the sixth month passed without any special events. I feel very good and am glad that I have no kidney pain so far, as I know it from the pregnancy with my son. The yoga really seems to be doing me good in that regard.
Image Source:The cover image comes from