
My pregnancy [1st month]

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 08.02.23

Dear Reader, This blog series is written in the present tense. This is because I wrote these articles monthly during my pregnancy as a kind of diary. In the meantime, my pregnancy is already over and I am gathering strength again in the postpartum period. During this time, this blog series should accompany you. And now I hope you enjoy reading!

Herewith I start a small blog series about my second pregnancy. I would like to report to you every four weeks what has happened, how I feel and how it is for me to be pregnant. I can not yet say exactly where this series will lead us. But certainly to a new little miracle.

We want a child!

Now that the surgeries on my ankle injury were finally over, there was that one question again. Do we want another child? Yes, definitely! Do we want it now? Yes, actually we do. It probably wouldn't work out right away anyway, or so we thought. So I waited eagerly for my period and the subsequent fertile days. Since I usually feel my ovulation clearly, I could determine this fertile time with quite some certainty. I was very excited, my husband rather less so, and so we did clash from time to time.

After ovulation I felt a slight tugging in my abdomen, which I could not define exactly. I suspected that it had actually worked directly and that I felt the implantation. In retrospect, of course, it is difficult to say, but the timing fits. The closer the presumed next cycle came, the more nervous and tense I became. That's how much I wished it had worked after all. At the same time, I knew this feeling in my abdomen and I imagined that it indicated pregnancy. But was it perhaps just my imagination? A pipe dream? I had to wait. And who knows me, knows: I hate waiting! But I had no other choice.

Test now?

One day before I was supposed to get my period, I took a pregnancy test. I couldn't wait any longer, even though I knew that a negative result wouldn't mean much. I waited and saw a line in the control window, nothing yet in the other window. Or was that a shadow of a line that would mean I was pregnant? No, or did it? I wasn't sure. I looked for better light and there it was clearer: I am pregnant! Yes, it worked. I was so happy, my husband reacted rather soberly. Later he told me that he was still afraid. Afraid because it was still so early in the pregnancy and afraid that he would be disappointed in his joy.

But for now, all is well. We are pregnant!

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