
Less waste thanks to cloth diapers

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 11.02.23

Now that a few testimonials have been published on the subject of cloth diapering, I would like to start a new series with Bianca's report: Bianca reports how she came to cloth diapers and why she made this decision. The rest of the text is now from her. (Natalie.)

Six months ago my button came into the world. Already during pregnancy, a good friend introduced me to the topic of cloth diapers and pointed out the financial advantages (purchase, resale, less waste costs). But at the first quick look on Google and the many possibilities it seemed too complicated and I put the thought aside.

When the button was then in the world and I noticed fairly promptly how quickly the diaper pail and correspondingly the trash can outside fill up, I soon realized that I did not want to accept it that way. First of all, I had the money in mind, but also the ecological aspect. If you imagine where the disposable diapers all end up....

So, I tried Google again and read many reviews on Amazon. Since I am a single parent and therefore do not have the most money left, I just ordered a few cheap diapers and inserts. With the delivery came the questions. These led me to the dear Natalie. Her advice helped me a lot to get an overview of the many systems and to narrow down the favorites.

After some shopping in appropriate flea markets on Facebook, it could then start. I quickly realized that I did not want to commit to one system or brand, and so I use a lot of mixed. AIO's for the crib, overpants with different inserts for everyday life at home and Höwi's with wool slip overpants for the nights.

Of course, it's a little more laundry at first, but that settled down after a few weeks and is now no longer a factor (part-time diaper-free also helps). With the routine, the time required for preparation is also reduced to a tolerable level (keyword diaper meditation).

My family was open from the beginning and convinced of the financial and environmental benefits. Unfortunately, friends were the first to focus on the disgust aspect. My colleagues (I work in a daycare center) smiled at my attitude, but at least didn't object to the fact that my baby will soon be diapered with cloth diapers there as well.

After 3.5 months with cloth diapers, I can now say that I don't really care about prejudices. The advantages simply outweigh for me. As already mentioned the cost seen on the entire diapering time (as long as you do not develop a collection addiction) and the environmental protection. But most importantly, my button has never been sore with the Stoffis either. And they just look super great!

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