
Julia wears

estimated reading time: 4 minutes edited on: 09.02.23

My friend Julia became a mother for the third time a few months ago and now she is carrying her third child very close to her heart. How she came to carry in the first place and where she sees the advantages, especially with two larger children, she reports below. The rest of the text is now from Julia. (Natalie.)

How I came to babywearing is actually quite simple. In my second pregnancy while baby shopping, I discovered a baby carrier and found it practical. Since we still lived in an apartment building under the roof at that time, and for "the short round with the dog" the stretcher proved to be very practical. Unfortunately (or fortunately for my bubi) I could not carry for very long, as my back had defied it all and I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. (My second herniated disc, I had already had surgery 5 years earlier).

I stopped wearing it until the day Jr's last teeth came in. I must not have slept for two days and my little mouse was hurting all over and just screaming with pain and fever. Luckily, at that moment I had a friend who had various baby carriers. She came, showed me how to strap the little man and we went for a walk. Well, what can I say, Jr. fell asleep within the first 5 feet. I seriously considered getting another carrier and not declaring our carrying time over, but then decided it was just too expensive at the moment and he was actually already too old.

When I then became pregnant again, it was clear to me: "My child will be carried and that best from the beginning". A stroller was still available from Jr, so should it not work out for reasons of my back, I would still have a plan B.

The critical three months were over and I was ready to go. I was on Facebook wearing and selling groups and hit the ground running after Christmas. Two TaiTais, one for mom and one for dad, because after all, he has to carry too. Soon we will probably move in for grandma and aunt stretcher / sling with us. Even though they were all very skeptical about the whole thing at the beginning, they just see the advantages and an always relaxed baby.

Now my little Tragling is already 3 months old, was with 4 days the first time in the sling and was so far 2 times in the Kiwa. I emphasize that so because I am incredibly proud of it. I am proud that my back is doing everything so wonderfully and that I am building up a completely different bond with my youngest than with the other two. A 3-4 hour walk or excursion is no problem at all with TaiTai or a sling. Properly tied I do not notice my 6kg package at all.

Wearing my poop has some more decisive advantages for me, I have NO annoying kiwa that gives me additional hurdles when shopping in the aisles, when using public transport, when walking up stairs (riding an elevator) etc.. Pp.

But most of all it is a help to me with the other two. Jr. is now 3.5 years old and a real whirlwind. Every time we walk to kindergarten, I know it was the right decision. How often I have to chase after him "just quickly". In retrospect, I always think to myself how I would have managed with a Kiwa.

Long story short, I love wearing Pupsi and will try to test as many different things as possible as long as I am wearing. By that I mean a wide variety of materials, slings/carriers, manufacturers and tying methods. The next thing to be tested is carrying on the back, but for that I will then go to the friend mentioned above. - Love is a babywearing consultant.

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