Testbericht, Vergleich

DidySnap and DidyGo from Didymos

estimated reading time: 9 minutes edited on: 10.02.23

Didymos is the best-known manufacturer of baby slings in the German-speaking world. However, besides these Didymos also produces various baby carriers. The latest baby carriers are DidySnap and DidyGo.

In this article you will learn what convinced me about the two baby carriers and what I find particularly well thought out. You will find videos in which I present both baby carriers with its details. You can also read how the DidySnap can be adapted for newborns as well as for older children and why I find the DidyGo so beautifully simple.


Information about the manufacturer Didymos

I learned about Didymos development over the years on their own website

The company Didymos was founded by Erika Hoffmann in 1972. So the manufacturer has been around for almost 50 years now, a long time in the baby carrier market!

In 1971 the founder saw pictures of carrying mothers in a magazine and was inspired by them. She tried carrying with a sling from Mexico, which a friend had brought her.

After Erika Hoffmann was reported about in a magazine, more and more parents in Germany wanted a baby sling and Didymos was founded.

In the years that followed, Erika Hoffmann continued to work on new tying methods and instructions, as well as spreading the use of the sling among experts, thus convincing pediatricians, midwives and many more of its advantages.

Eventually more sling lengths and materials follow, a change of location, own employees. Didymos slings are also increasingly used in hospitals.

In addition, the ring sling is now produced and the DidyTai ( introduced by me in the article DidyTai by Didymos [review] ) is developed in 2008 as the first Didymos baby carrier. Later, other baby carriers are added with the DidyKlick (tested by me, by the way, in the article DidyKlick by Didymos [review]), the DidySnap and the DidyGo. In addition, there are various accessories and carrying accessories in the online store of Didymos.

The family business Didymos has now passed into the next generation, so that the daughters Tina and Anna Hoffmann now continue this.

By the way, I was also carried in a Didymos sling as a baby. There are even photos of that.

The DidySnap

In the following I would like to introduce you to the DidySnap. After that you will find more information and my experiences with the DidyGo.

Tragehilfenbezeichnung als Aufnäher DidySnap

Information about the DidySnap carrier

The DidySnap from Didymos is a full-buckle carrier. The abdominal belt and straps are closed with buckles in this type of carrier.

The carrier is priced at 139€ in standard models, other models are slightly more expensive. You can buy the baby carrier for example in the online store of Natürlich Familie.*

According to the manufacturer, the carrier can be used from 3.5kg to 20kg. However, this information is mainly about legal aspects, so that this information has little significance. How my experiences were to the usability, you can read in the section to my experiences when carrying.

Presentation of the stretcher in a video

In the following video you can see how the carrier is constructed, what is special about it and which adjustment options are available.

More impressions of the baby carrier DidySnap

In the photos below you can see some of the details that make up the DidySnap.

Stegeinstellung DidySnapBauchgurtschnalle DidySnapM-Schnalle DidySnapKniepolster DidySnapKopfstütze DidySnapTräger DidySnapzusätzliches Trägerpolster DidySnapRückenteilraffung DidySnap

My experience of carrying with the DidySnap

During the test, I was able to test the DidySnap both with my daughter and with various demo dolls from my babywearing consultations in front of the stomach and on the back. Thus, I was able to gain a relatively comprehensive impression, although of course I always speak of my individual experiences and my own wearing experience.

After I first tried the baby carrier with my daughter in veschiedenen variants, I was skeptical whether it would also fit with a newborn. Because my daughter can, despite dress size 86, certainly be worn longer with this carrier. But my doubts were not confirmed. Even the demo doll in newborn size sat perfectly in the carrier, I could adjust it very well.

DidySnap: Neugeborenes vor dem BauchDidySnap: Trägerverlauf beim Tragen vor dem BauchDidySnap: Kopfstütze mit NeugeborenemDidySnap: zusätzliches Trägerpolster beim Tragen

In addition to the two bar adjustment options, I used the headrest to provide even better support for the neck area. To do this, I gathered the fabric and hooked the cord stopper to the straps.

The M-buckle for attaching the straps to the waist belt or at the very bottom of the back part supported the baby's natural hunching due to its shape and thus ensured an even better fit.

With my daughter, I also tested the strap attachment to the back part. Since this creates a little more pull on the back, I would not do this so early, optimally when the baby can already sit. However, with the DidySnap, the attachment is sewn on at a slight angle, so that the pressure here is significantly lower compared to other carriers where the straps are attached directly to the back part. By first pulling the webbing forward and then tightening the already loose webbing, there was even less pull on the back.

Practical I find the pockets in which the buckles on the back part can be stowed when the lower strap attachment is used. Thus, they do not irritate and disturb then when wearing. I also found it practical that the bar adjustment can be simply pulled. So I can in case of doubt even with child still readjust something.

DidySnap: RückentragenDidySnap: Detailaufnahme des Trägers beim Rückentragen

Only the waist belt could be minimally tighter for me, as I still had some space even in the tightest setting and he would support a little tighter even more.

The DidyGo

After I introduced you to the DidySnap full-buckle carrier from Didymos in the upper part, the DidyGo now follows.

Tragehilfenname auf Aufnäher DidyGo

Information about the DidyGo

The DidyGo belongs to the Onbuhimos. Onbuhimos are carriers without a waist belt. This means that the entire weight sits on the shoulders, which some parents find very uncomfortable, others find this carrying particularly comfortable. Especially during pregnancy or for short distances, such an onbu carrier can be very practical.

The price of the DidyGo is 119€ in the standard single color models, other models are a bit more expensive. You can order the DidyGo, just like the DidySnap, for example in the online store of Natürlich Familie.*

Didymos writes on its website that the Onbuhimo is suitable for children who can sit independently. There I also find an approximate weight specification in terms of usability from 7kg to 20kg. You can find more information with my impressions about it in the paragraph about my experiences carrying with the DidyGo.

Presentation of the carrier in a video

What else you need to know about the Onbu, what is special about this back carrier and what adjustment options there are, I describe in the following video.

More impressions of the baby carrier DidyGo

In the following photos I have captured some details of the baby carrier.

Stegeinstellung DidyGoKniepolster DidyGoTräger DidyGoKopfstütze DidyGo

My experiences carrying with the DidyGo

I tried the DidyGo for an extended period of time with my almost 2-year-old daughter.

My daughter likes to bury her arms in the carrier because she finds it more cozy that way. So in the photos the carrier looks quite large in places, that's more because she likes it that way. With smaller children, I could pull the bag much higher, so the length of the fabric would also fit well here. I think the Onbu should fit well from size 74.

Overall, the DidyGo is kept simple, easy to understand and therefore intuitive to put on and adjust. The direction of pull of the straps is designed so that I can tighten them when worn on the back. The padding buckles are therefore pulled upwards.

I found the thickness of the padding and the width of the straps comfortable when wearing, even for extended periods. The strap length was just right for me in the tightest setting. However, there is still plenty of wiggle room here for taller parents.

Washing and drying the carriers

According to Didymos, the baby carriers can be washed at 30 degrees on the gentle cycle. I would recommend closing all buckles for this and using a pillowcase or laundry net.

From the use of a tumble dryer, however, I would advise against, because thereby, among other things, the pads can deform.

My conclusion about the DidySnap and DidyGo carriers

Now that I have tested the DidySnap and DidyGo carriers extensively for a few days, I am really convinced of both carriers. Both carriers are very well thought out, all details fulfill their purpose.

The Onbuhimo DidyGo is very simple and can be operated intuitively.

With the DidySnap there are significantly more adjustment options, which allow a fine adjustment to the respective size of the baby and the wearer. But even without knowing every detail, parents can use the carrier quite easily. The carrier can be used for a long time and was very comfortable for me even when wearing it for a long time.

So I can definitely recommend both carriers!

Your opinion

Do you already know one of the presented carriers? How do you like them? What experiences have you had carrying with it?

Or do you find other carriers more comfortable? If so, what are they? Maybe you have a favorite carrier?

Do you have any other questions that I haven't addressed in the article? Or do you have a request for another test report in my blog?

I look forward to reading from you in the comments!

*Themarked links are references of an affilate program. With a purchase over it I receive a small commission.

Kommentare zu diesem Artikel

Elina vor 1 Jahr
Liebe Natalie, danke für den ausführlichen Bericht. Meine Tochter hat aktuell etwa die Größe 56/62. Ich schwanke zwischen der Didysnap und der Fullbuckletrage von Buzzidil, die Du ebenfalls vorgestellt hast. Welche der beiden Tragen wäre Dein persönlicher Favorit. Ich bin 1,62 groß und zierlich. Vielen Dank im voraus!
Natalie Clauss vor 1 Jahr
Liebe Elina, leider kann ich dir das so nicht sagen, was besser für euch geeignet. Bei Buzzidil würde ich noch Babysize wählen, womit du eine weniger lange Nutzungsdauer hast. Dafür sind die Einstellungen etwas leichter. Beim DidySnap hast du eine längere Nutzungsdauer. Dafür musst du etwas besser auf gute Einstellungen achten, da das Rückenteil eben länger mitwächst. Beim Didysnap hast du insgesamt auch noch mehr Flexibilität, was den Trägerverlauf vorne angelangt, weil du hier alternativ mit gekreuzten Trägern tragen kannst. Beim DidySnap gibt es außerdem noch eine neuere Variante, den DidySnap4U, wo der Bauchgurt noch etwas anders geformt ist. Hast du vielleicht irgendwo (Trageberaterin, Trageladen, Onlineshop mit Miet-/ Testpaket) die Möglichkeit beide Tragen einmal zu testen? Das wäre die beste Variante. Tut mir leid, dass ich dir keine konkrete Empfehlung geben kann. Das ist einfach aus der Ferne schwierig, weil jeder Körper anders ist, auch wenn die Proportionen ähnlich sind. Viele Grüße Natalie
AndreaAnna vor 2 Jahren
Hallo :) Dein Testbericht ist sehr aussagekräftig. Du deutest an, dass du deine Tochter bestimmt länger hättest tragen können. Meine trägt aktuell Größe 80-86 und ich habe in einer Trageberatung verschiedene Tragen ausprobiert, auch explizite Toddler Tragen. "Leider" hat mir auch die Didysnap sehr gefallen, sodass ich jetzt zwischen der und der Emeibaby abwäge. In beiden saß meine Tochter perfekt. Die Trageberatung meinte, die Didysnap würde "noch lange" gehen, auch weil dann später eben mehr die Arme raushängen würden. Aber irgendwie bin ich mir trotzdem unsicher. Was meinst du? Hättest du dir die Didysnap noch "so spät" angeschafft oder würdest du in dem Fall eher direkt zu einer Toddler greifen? (Ich nimm an, dass sie noch lange getragen werden will, den Kinderwagen hasst sie und sie will noch viel auf den Arm, trotz Laufen). Liebe Grüße
Natalie Clauss vor 2 Jahren
Hallo :) Ich kann deine Gedanken gut nachvollziehen. Tatsächlich passt der DidySnap ziemlich lange und lässt sich im Rückenteil mit der Kopfstütze vergrößern. Bei Größe 80/86 würde ich jedoch direkt auf eine Toddlertrage zurückgreifen. Dabei solltest du die Stegbreite auch noch deutlich vergrößern können, sodass die Trage mehr mitwächst. Ich habe die Trage aktuell hier und mit meiner Tochter (trägt aktuell Größe 92/98) kann ich mit dem DidySnap gerade noch bequem tragen, die Stegbreite wird langsam knapp. Liebe Grüße Natalie
Ana vor 3 Jahren
Hallo. Sind die beiden Tragen gleich bequem für Rückentrage oder würdest du eine mehr empfehlen?
Natalie Clauss vor 3 Jahren
Hallo Ana, die Tragehilfen haben jeweils ihre Vorteile. In Bezug auf die Bequemlichkeit und den Komfort würde ich mich für DidySnap entscheiden. Hier hast du noch den Bauchgurt, sodass sich das Gewicht auf mehr Punkte verteilt. Liebe Grüße Natalie
llSandra vor 3 Jahren
wie bekomme ich das baby rein. ist ganz 100% sicher das es nicht rausfällt? irgendwie habe ich sirge dass es rausfallen könnte?
Natalie Clauss vor 3 Jahren
Hallo Sandra (?), wenn du dich vollständig an die Anleitung hälst, kann dabei nichts passieren. Solltest du dich unsicher fühlen, würde ich dir empfehlen, das Anlegen mit einer Trageberaterin zu üben. Hier kannst du zunächst mit Puppe üben und erhälst viele hilfreiche Tipps. Liebe Grüße Natalie
Jasmin vor 4 Jahren
Hallo Natalie Du schreibst ja öfters, dass Du eher klein bist. Ich bin 1,55cm und suche eine geeignete Onbu-Trage. Welche Onbu war für Dich, rein von der Trägerlänge, am besten? Ich habe mir die Kokadi ausgeliehen, aber da bekomme ich meinen Sohn nicht annähernd hoch genug. Vielen Dank schon im Voraus für Deine Antwort. Liebe Grüsse Jasmin
Natalie Clauss vor 4 Jahren
Hallo Jasmin, ja, genau, ich bin "nur" 1,63m groß. Ich kann dir leider nicht mehr so ganz genau sagen, bei welchem Onbu ich die Trägerlänge am besten fand, weil es bei manchen Modellen schon relativ lange her ist, dass ich sie getestet habe. Ich mag gerne den Onbu von Lenny Lamb. Diesen nutze ich sehr regelmäßig im Alltag. Bei manchen Herstellern wie Madame Jordan könntest du sonst einen Onbu mit extra kurzen Trägern bestellen. Das wäre vielleicht noch eine Option für dich. Ansonsten bietet ElBaKidZ zum Beispiel Testpakete an, bei denen du verschiedene Onbus ausprobieren kannst. Liebe Grüße Natalie