Cloth diapers [prejudices and facts].
When I talk to other parents about cloth diapers, I still encounter a lot of prejudices. I would like to list a few prejudices here with my experiences. Do you know any other prejudices? I would be happy if you mention them in the comments!
It's a lot of work!
No, actually cloth diapers are not a lot of work. Yes, they need to be washed. But washing is something I have to do anyway, and I don't think it's a lot of work to turn on and hang up a washing machine more per week overall. If a dryer is used, even the hanging is eliminated. Folding or "stuffing" a diaper doesn't take much time either and is also very dependent on the cloth diaper system. There are systems that are very similar to disposable diapers, so they are used exactly as they come out of the washing machine.
Isn't that disgusting?
In the end, it's always a matter of opinion. Excretions are not exactly my favorite topic and yet they are part of it. Especially babies make now once correspondingly often also "big business" in the diaper, but this is no different with the disposable diaper. The only exception here would be the diaper-free method. And whether I then tape the diaper together and throw it in the trash or in a wetbag and later in the washing machine makes no difference to me.
20€ or more for ONE diaper?! That is never cheaper!
In fact, cloth diapers are on average much cheaper than disposable diapers. On average, at least 3500 diapers are needed per child. With cloth diapers, 30 diapers are usually enough. Depending on the system used, it can be less or a little more. However, these diapers can also (with good quality and appropriate care) still be used well for a second child. Even if I include the cost of electricity, water and detergent, I am then still cheaper with cloth diapers. Unless I fall in love with umpteen cloth diaper designs. ;)
That's totally complicated!
Not really! Of course there are many differences in systems, but cloth diapers have also changed and evolved over time. Knit diapers with muslin diapers as inserts and wool overpants are no longer the standard and even that isn't really complicated with a little practice! If you want simple cloth diapers, you can even find systems that are hardly any different from using disposable diapers.
Cloth diapers are only for eco's!
As I wrote above, cloth diapers have changed. Today's cloth diapers are often colorful and very easy to use. So it can't be the design. Environment and health are important to me, yes, but does that make me eco? And even if I am, I wouldn't care. Anyway... anyway, there are very different reasons for cloth diapering and there are also many different options that could be suitable for everyone.
Since I have to cloth diaper every hour to keep the diaper from leaking, right?
If the diaper is not put on properly or perhaps the soaker liner is missing or insufficient, the clothes will draw wetness and I will have to diaper accordingly often. However, this is rather the exception. Reasons for early leakage can almost always be found and remedied. Basically, though, even with disposable diapers, diapering should be done frequently and not every 6 hours just because the absorbency of the diapers might allow it. Cloth diapers can also have very good absorbency, which is in no way inferior to that of a disposable diaper.