
Carrying from the beginning

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 11.02.23

I met Wiebke at a babywearing consultation, which was exciting for me because she had already tested and tried a lot. So I'm happy that she now writes here how her personal experiences to carry were. (Natalie)

How I came to carry is told relatively quickly: When I was pregnant with Mini, we still lived in the city in an apartment under the roof. The stroller was not allowed to be parked in the hallway and to drag it up and down again and again and not to let Mini out of my sight was too tedious for me, so I decided to want to carry. I did not know myself very well and so I went with husband in tow first to a baby store to advise me. Since I was already heavily pregnant, my husband had to test everything. None of the carriers on offer really convinced us, so we decided on an elastic sling from Manduca.

A week after Mini's birth, my midwife showed me how to tie the sling and from then on Mini was worn constantly. We both really liked it because he was safe with me and I had him with me, but at the same time enjoyed the freedom of being able to do other things.

When he was two months old, we dared to use a carrier for the first time. I had borrowed a TaiTai from Kokadi and was thrilled. Since Mini didn't like the sling very much anymore and he fidgeted and cussed a lot when tying it, the TaiTai was a great alternative because it was much faster. Shortly after that, a Flip and my beloved Wrapstar moved in as well.

When Mini was six months old, we decided to go to a babywearing consultation with the lovely Natalie, as dad preferred a buckle animal. He decided on a JoNoBaby, which we both liked. In the meantime, Mini is 8 months old and also likes to be in a sling again. Here we are just testing ourselves through all the manufacturers and blends.

Wearing is incredibly nice for me, because I really enjoy the closeness to my little one and we have many nice cuddle moments. In addition, it is just very practical, because you have your hands free. We recently went on vacation to Langeoog. Of course, my stretchers could not be missing andn I am so glad to have had them with us, because in the hotel there were so countless stairs that we could never have mastered with the stroller. It was all the easier to just put Mini in the carrier and start walking.

Of course, you always come across people who don't approve of carrying or even condemn it, which I find very unfortunate. You should first deal with the issue before you make your judgment. Even some friends don't understand it, but I like to take the time and tell them how nice it actually is and if they don't want to try it.

My family has also started wearing it. My mother and sister think it's great and are proud when they can wear Mini. I am looking forward to many more moments of carrying with the little one and hope that he will want to do it for a long time. Definitely the sibling will also be worn when the time comes.

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