
Buzzidil Wrapidil Carrier

estimated reading time: 4 minutes edited on: 11.02.23

In addition to the full-buckle carriers that the manufacturer is known for, Buzzidil has also had its own wrap conversion, or "cloth-like carrier", for quite some time. This is quite appropriately called Wrapidil. In the meantime, the carrying aids have been modified in minor details. In the test report, however, I describe the older model.

About the manufacturer Buzzidil

Buzzidil is a manufacturer from Austria. In addition to the baby carriers Buzzidil (Versatile), BuzziBu and Wrapidil, there are also various accessories from Buzzidil. These include doll carriers, bags and hats. There are also in-house baby carriers and ring slings. These are also used for the production of the baby carriers.

The website describes the advantages of babywearing. These include, for example, the promotion of development, as well as the freedom of movement for the parents. It also emphasizes that all Buzzidil baby carriers are ergonomic and can be used for a long time.

The Wrapidil carrier

As I wrote at the beginning, the Wrapidil belongs to the Wrap Conversions and thus has expandable straps. At the same time, it also belongs to the half-buckle carriers with a buckle belly strap.

The carrier can be purchased directly from the manufacturer for a price between 129,90€ and 139,90€. The price depends on the model. It is also available in various German stores, so there is no additional shipping from abroad. According to the manufacturer, it should fit from size 50 to 110.

Buzzidil Wrapidil. Detailaufnahme des Bauchsgurts und der Stegeinstellung.

The waist belt is relatively narrow, but well padded. It is closed in the middle with a buckle. The tunnel of the back part can be moved on it, also the waist belt can be rotated. This creates a shorter or longer back section in each case. There are four different settings for this, which are explained in the instructions. The bar adjustment can be made on two levels and depends on the size of the child and thus also the back part adjustment.

Buzzidil Wrapidil. Detailaufnahme des Trägeransatzes mit den Schlaufen für die Kopfstütze.Buzzidil Wrapidil. Detailaufnahme der nach oben geklappten Kopfstütze.

The straps are attached to the back part with very small darts. Sewn to the straps themselves are various loops for the headrest. This can be gathered and fastened to the carrier at different heights.

There are also additional shoulder pads included, through which the straps can be pulled. This makes sense when the straps should not be fanned out on the shoulder. Also when wearing back, if the straps are not crossed in front, this makes sense and takes additional pressure off the shoulders.

When wearing

Buzzidil Wrapidil. Ich trage meine Tochter im Wrapidil mit Schulterpolstern auf den Rücken.Buzzidil Wrapidil. Ich trage meine Tochter vor dem Bauch.

I have now tried the carrier several times with my daughter since birth (size 50 to 68) and also used it several times before in my babywearing consultations. In my consultations, I found that parents needed some time until they understood the system of back part adjustment and thus also the bar width. In case of doubt, however, this can always be read in the instructions.

When the correct setting for the back section was chosen, the carrier often fit very well. Sometimes some support was missing at the sides. However, this can be adjusted in subsequent models. With the lateral shortening should only always be looked at that so that the fabric at the back does not jam too much. Without the shortening, however, the legs were sometimes not sufficiently squatted. This bothered me when wearing.

Wearing I found otherwise very comfortable, especially on the back. The additional shoulder pads are really helpful, so that the straps slip less. In addition, the width of the straps then no longer restricts me in the arm movement, I have at the same time still a padding to reduce the pressure on the shoulders. If the child's weight needs to be supported even more, the straps can be fanned out over the bottom and a finish can be used when wearing on the back.


According to the manufacturer, the carrier may be hand washed at 30 degrees. I had no problems at all.


The Wrapidil is a baby carrier that, in addition to a good price-performance ratio, also has a long usability. It was very comfortable for me and I find the additional shoulder pads super. The workmanship is also good. I found the adjustment of the back part of the stretcher of Buzzidil somewhat difficult. The lateral support was not always optimal with my model. How this is with the new variant, I can not yet judge.

Overall, the carrier meets all the criteria for ergonomic carrying. Basically, I would recommend testing before buying a stretcher, however, because the wearing experience is simply very individual.

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