I am driving on the highway
And suddenly I ask myself
Where has the time gone
I mean, just a minute ago I was a kid.
I'm driving down the highway
Alone, in my own car
Got my driver's license years ago
And yet I was just a kid
Now I have a child of my own
And will soon have another.
Where did the time go?
Have I missed something?
Where did I get off
That I'm suddenly here
Here at this point?
Yes, how did it get like this?
Just when I was a kid
I'd love to be a kid again
To be carefree, just do it
Just love, just live
It all happened too fast for me
I think I'll get off
After a roller coaster ride too fast
But when did I get on?
Time, it's racing by
And I'm afraid of missing out
How long does a life last
When the last few years seem like minutes?
Just a moment ago I was a child
I'd love to be a kid again
Just be carefree, just do it
Just love, just live
I want to party again
Go through the nights
Dance in the rain again
Be unreasonable
And then I realize
I am still a child
I am not "only" grown up
But sometimes still very small.
I have all the freedom
I can do what I want
I can just be me
Don't have to pretend.
Just now I'm a child again
I love being a kid again
I'm carefree, just do it
Just love, just live!