
AIO from Blueberry Simplex

estimated reading time: 3 minutes edited on: 11.02.23

Information/ description of the diaper

The cloth diaper is an all-in-one diaper, that is, a complete diaper to which nothing more needs to be added.

Die Blueberry Simplex hat eine saugfähige Einlage.Die Blueberry Simplex lässt sich ausklappen.

The diaper is a one-size diaper, which means that it grows with the child and can be changed in the waist height by means of snaps. The tummy width is also adjusted here with snaps. The Blueberry Simplex has single leg cuffs with elastic, and there is another elastic in the back. According to my research, it fits well from about 5 kg to 16 kg, which is according to the manufacturer's specifications. So for newborns, this diaper is usually not yet suitable. With a price starting at 27,00€, it also belongs to rather more expensive diapers, especially since this system always requires the complete diaper to be washed and accordingly many cloth diapers are needed.

Material of the cloth diaper

Die Blueberry Simplex hat eine Tasche mit Pocketfunktion.

The wetness-protecting outer layer is made of PUL (polyurethane laminate), which is partially sewn inside with another layer of polyester. In the inner area, a cotton insert is sewn to your sides, the ends are not sewn in each case, so that the cloth diaper additionally has a pocket function as with a pocket diaper. For this purpose, the additional insert, if any, can be tucked under the polyester flaps. In the front part of the diaper is sewn an additional absorbent pad, which has one side made of cotton, the other side is made of microfleece. Now there are two options: 1. put soaker liner in the pocket so that the microfleece is under the cotton or just 2. use the liner as the top layer so that the microfleece is directly against the baby's skin.

Here are some impressions of the size settings of the cloth diaper

Die Blueberry Simplex in der kleinsten Einstellung, dazu werden die unteren Snaps verwendet.In der kleinsten Einstellung wird die Einlage der Blueberry Simplex gestaucht. und erscheint auf dem Foto dicker.

smallest setting

Die Blueberry Simplex in der größten Einstellung, dazu werden die unteren Snaps offen gelassen.In der größten Einstellung wird die Einlage der Blueberry Simplex nicht gestaucht. und erscheint auf dem Foto dünn.

largest setting

In test

Die Blueberry Simplex hat ein elastisches Beinbündchen.

I have now tested the diaper several times on my 2 ½-year-old son, who now weighs in at something like 12kg and has a slim build. On him, the Blueberry Simplex sat very well in the largest setting. Even after wearing it for a long time, there were no major marks from the cuffs on either his legs or stomach. The leg cuffs held tight well, which was also due to the good fit on him. The absorbency of the diaper was quite good. However, since my son often stops for a long time and then gushes pee, the suction power is not enough without further suction insert. In such cases, the diaper was then immediately more than saturated.


When washing the cloth diaper I could not find any problems. Since we do not have a dryer, I dried the diaper on the line. Due to the sewn parts, this took us about 2-3 days in the winter. The removable absorbent pad was of great advantage.

Conclusion AIO from Blueberry Simplex

I am thrilled with the fit for narrower children. The design is appealing and there are a few different models. Unfortunately, the price is rather high in relation to other cloth diapers. However, I cannot recommend the diaper for gushers or frequent peepers, but this is also due to the system of all-in-one diapers itself. The absorbency is otherwise good, though. The tock time is okay. For narrow children who are not frequent peeblers, the Blueberry Simplex is well suited!

Kommentare zu diesem Artikel

Bastian vor 7 Jahren
Super, vielen lieben Dank für die schnelle Info :-)
Bastian vor 7 Jahren
Hi! Ein toller Bericht. Was mir allerdings immer noch unklar ist: Wann habe ich die Fleece-Seite der Einlage oben bzw. wann schiebe ich die Einlage in die Tasche? LG, Bastian
Natalie Clauss vor 7 Jahren
Hallo Bastian, die Fleeceseite zieht die Feuchtigkeit schnell weg von der Haut. Wenn dein Baby/ Kind also empfindlich auf Feuchtigkeit reagiert, macht es Sinn, diese Seite als oberste Schicht zu haben. Andererseits kann Fleece die Haut auch leicht austrocknen. Bei Kindern mit trockener Haut, könnte dies schwierig sein. Wenn die Einlage in der Tasche steckt, kann sie weniger verrutschen, was ich persönlich besser fand. Liebe Grüße Natalie