Aga and her love for wearing
I would like to publish you in the near future from time to time blog articles with experiences about wearing. So if you also want to write about your experiences, beautiful moments and maybe also difficulties, feel free to contact me. Aga tells you in the following lines about herself and how she came to carry. I got to know Aga when she organized several test rounds for slings and carriers. The rest of the text is now written by her. (Natalie)
This is me
Hello my name is Aga, I am 38 years old, I come from Poland and I have been living in Germany for 16 years. I am married and have 4 children, 2 of them are baby carriers.
How I came to babywearing
When Lamia was born, I knew slings and carriers only by sight. A mom in the neighborhood carried her son, and I liked it so much that I bought a "good carrier". Only unfortunately the carrier was not so optimal and after two walks we stopped carrying.
When I was pregnant with my youngest son Adam, I really started to get into babywearing. Adam was carried daily until he was 2 years old and we both enjoyed it very much. I also started carrying my daughter Lamia after Adam's birth, when she was already 2.
This is what I do today
Today, after almost 4 years I wear occasionally, mostly on outings or when we get something to test. And we enjoy those moments very much.
I have been an admin in several Polish and German babywearing groups for over 3 years, organizing testing rounds for different manufacturers there. I like to share my love for babywearing with others. I help and support parents e.g. in choosing their first sling or baby carrier, and am always happy to see how other parents enjoy babywearing and enjoy the closeness to their child, just like me.
I also have the Facebook page Chustomama w Niemczech, where I post current stuff. In German it's called "Tragemama in Deutschland".