It's winter again and thus cold season. This has been going on since autumn and probably you have already caught it. I always find it worst when our little mice have a cold. I have summarized here for you, what can help against the cold.
1.humid air
Because we turn on the heat due to the cool temperatures in the fall and winter, the air in the apartment or house becomes drier. This often triggers an increased urge to cough. Sneezing attacks could also increase, especially for allergy sufferers (dust mites). To increase humidity, a damp towel could be hung on the heater. The water will evaporate due to the heat, making the air more comfortable for respiratory system.
2.onion in the room
You all know it, when you cut onions, tears come and your nose may even run. This also happens when an onion is placed in the room. The onion can be halved or cut smaller, depending on how intense you want it to be. It helps so to breathe freely at night.
3.onion juice
Onion is very versatile for colds. So it can help against cough when prepared as juice. To do this, you just need to cut the onion into small pieces, and then fill the bowl with water until the onion is completely covered. For small children, honey, for example, can also be used to sweeten the juice. To dissolve the honey, use hot water, for example. Please do not do this with children under two years old, as it is a raw product. Then the whole must stand at least hours, better over night, and can be sieved afterwards, so that only the juice remains.
4.sleep upright
It is especially difficult to fall asleep when you have a cold, because lying down often makes the coughing worse, also because it is the first time you really calm down (activation of the parasympathetic nervous system). In this case, it helps to elevate the head a little to sleep, for example, a folder could be placed under the mattress at night. Carrying in a sling or in a baby carrier would be even more optimal in this case, because here the position is completely upright. and fresh air
It is also important to ventilate regularly. Here again, the air becomes more humid and the oxygen content increases, making breathing easier. Walks in a sling, for example, are also very useful. Of course, care should be taken here to ensure that everyone is dressed warmly enough. Babies often find it easier to fall asleep outside in the fresh air.
6.drink a lot
Drinking a lot stimulates the kidney function and thus the detoxification of the body. This means that pathogens can be eliminated more quickly. It is therefore important to always offer the child something to drink - be it water or breast milk. Breastfeeding on demand is particularly important during colds. Many babies want to go to the breast more often of their own accord. For infants, red juices might help. These have more flavor, so children usually drink more for that reason alone, further they also contain iron, which helps the immune system fight the common cold. or also movement
Here are two tips that at first seem to contradict each other. It is important to see what seems to be good for the child now. If the child seems tired and exhausted, rest is very important. Cuddling and reading aloud could help here. Visits, for example, could also mean restlessness again. Sometimes the child also seems very fit. If I then still have the impression that the mucus does not come out properly, it is called: mobilize mucus. For this we jump and romp so that the mucus can loosen. As soon as I notice that my child is tired or exhausted, we naturally stop and take a rest. In this point it is important to observe your child well, where just the needs are.
Further, thyme-myrtle balm to rub on the chest and back and angelica balm to smear on the nostrils as a substitute for nasal spray can provide relief. From homeopathy Infludoron and Ferrum phosphoricum as globules help. In case of doubt, however, please always consult your doctor! The same applies in case of aggravation of the symptoms or other uncertainties.